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Publisher: Noah Rachdi, 8020 Graz

I Hear a Bird Lament
A quadraphonic sound installation that playfully engulfed Lori Lako's exhibition (hosted by < rotor >) that took place within the impressive space of Landesbibliothek Steiermark. In close alignment with the overall concept of the exhibition, the composition focused on the relationship between the natural and the artificial. Forest recordings and city soundscapes flowed into each other almost seamlessly and posed questions about their (non-)affinity. Harmonic bird songs were joined by their imitations, human-made with the goal to hunt them, creating a grotesk call-and-answer game.

Sound Concept, Recording, Setup, Composition, Sound Design [01/'24]
Can artificial intelligence dream of extinct birds? by Lori Lako
Echoes From Beyond
An interactive audio-visual installation in cooperation with the City of Graz in a publicly accessible space - namely in one of the caves one passes in the tunnel that leads to Dom im Berg.

"The installation playfully explores the concept of space and sound augmentation. The generative acoustic response of the cave to the footsteps of passers-by and their knocking on the bars aims to blend natural and augmented sound. This fusion could raise the question of where this intersection point lies, which hopes to spark a certain curiosity about natural sounds and our acoustic environment. Simultaneously, the installation can also be seen as an invitation to explore our surroundings and momentarily escape from everyday life."

Sound Design [10/'23]
Echoes From Beyond
MAK Closing Announcement
An artistic intervention that notifies visitors of the Museum of Applied Arts (MAK) Vienna that it will soon close its doors at the end of each day. The wonderful concept was created by Fred Heinemann, Valerie Prinz, and Leonie Ziem.

"Attention à l’écart, gitmek gelmektir. Come back soon!"

MAK Statement: New Announcement at the End of the Visit to the Museum

Sound Design [09/'23]
Mak Announcement
Floating Memories
A mobile audio installation for the master studies showcase Creating Atmospheres at ESC Medien Kunst Labor. Realtime-modulation of audio input from a stereo microphone mounted on the headphones.

Exhibit description:
We sometimes tend to forget how heavily we rely on our hearing in daily life. A lot of what we hear is mainly processed subconsciously, like sounds from our own movements. Without those sounds, something would feel … off. In a realtime-modulation of what we hear, this mobile installation transports the term 'augmented reality' completely into the sonic realm. It invites to explore the exhibition space with headphones on, while immersing oneself in a dream-like sensation.

Press: derStandard, 09.02.2023

Concept, Development, Sound Design [01/'23]
A multichannel-audio-visual installation for Klanglicht festival in Graz. Built up in a spacious empty hall, the specific character in sound led to a space-centered concept- and sound design approach. The stunning light composition was created by Diana Boltersdorf, Alexandra Samandar and Kerstin Slany.

"The overarching topic 'growth' inspired us to create a multimodal composition that is concerned with personal growth, stumbling, and getting back up, as well as the opportunity to learn from mistakes [...]"

Concept, Composition, Sound Design [10/'22]
Interactive audio-visual installation with a strong sound design focus for the Next Poster exhibition (FH Joanneum/ Steirischer Herbst/ Kunst der Verführung). Support by Laura Varhegyi.
Concept, Design, Construction, Sound, Visuals [09/'22]

"[...] In a world moving as fast as today's, this poster invites you to literally step onto a pause button. While the depiction of this act of self-care could almost not be more metaphorical, its message is as straightforward is it gets. Take a moment for yourself more often. Push the pause button."

Eine Hand voller Steine
Multichannel sound installation for Elisa Wüntscher's (photographer / exhibition designer) photo exhibition in the world heritage visitor center of the city of Regensburg. Eight loudspeakers on the ceiling wove a collage by playing sounds caught all over Regensburg. Underscored by harmonic elements, the hour-long soundscape embedded itself into the exhibition and carried visitors through their experiences.

Sound Concept, Recording, Setup, Composition, Sound Design [08/'22]
Eine Hand voller Steine
In an attempt to find a creative outlet for my thoughts about persuasive media, I created a short video clip, depicting daily sights in a slightly exaggerated manner.

Exhibited: 'HETZ', Roter Keil, Graz (22.10.-18.12.2021)

Concept, Video Animation, Sound Design [03/'21]